Day 5 (Let me show you where I grew up)
Time to show Sandra (part of) my roots, so we set off to the village of Wangen bei Olten where I lived from '69 to '76. We drove around the village for a bit. Looking at the house I used to live in, driving up the mountain all the way into the woods where I used to play and looking at the church and school I attended. We also had a stroll around the cemetery to have a look at the grave of one of my former class mates. She was the first woman I kissed (must have been 8 at the time) and tragically died aged 23 in an avalanche accident. At the cemetery Sandra befriended yet another local, who turned out to be really charmed by her.
While in the forest we made our first "both in one shot" shot, but naturally Sandra had to goof around.
So we had to do a retake.

In Wangen we also paid a visit to an old friend of the family called Joke. She's also Dutch but used to be married to a Swiss man. He died a couple of years ago and since her two children live in Switzerland she decided to stay there. I hadn't seen her in over 10 years, but it was really a good afternoon we spent with her.
Friday evening we spent with a mutual friend of Corinne and me called Thomas. Thomas is a really great guy who, after partially recovering from a snowboard accident a couple of years ago set up his own company. The company is called AgroBrain and offers consultancy in setting up sustainable agricultural projects. At his place (a completely overhauled typical Swiss farm house) we had a nice Raclette dinner and good talks.

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