Day 12 (King of the road)
On Friday, we left Cavigliano, to drive to the penultimate destination of our trip: Spiez. This village is in south central Switzerland, on the shores of lake Thun. After the Gotthard tunnel, we decided to take a short cut and drive over the Süsten pass, in stead of simply taking the highway around the mountains. The weather was lovely, so the road wasn't very hard to drive, despite some very steep parts now and then.

The only thing Sandra didn't like very much (as she mentioned in the part she wrote), were the many motor cyclists playing with their and our lives. Imagine one passing us, without taking the time to see if a car was approaching on the other side of the road. Now imagine the road being curved, and you probably understand the problem. The only thing she could do was to let go of the gas pedal in order to give those morons some space to get in front of us just in time. And this again and again and again...

Anyway, we also had plenty of time to enjoy the amazing scenery. We even saw a glacier and of course some everlasting snow!

After having driven through the countryside for a while, Sandra really was craving some speed. So for the last leg of that day we decided to take the highway. In Spiez we found a nice hotel rather quickly with a room with a terrace and a view on the lake. We went for a stroll through the village, in order to find some presents and a restaurant for dinner that evening.

We also visited the castle, where apparently a wedding reception took place. I managed to take some shots after the guests had moved along.

Amazingly enough it turned out to be very hard to find a nice restaurant in Spiez. The village is quite touristy, but strange enough the only restaurants were in hotels. Generally, the food in hotel restaurants isn't much, so we decided to take the car in order to search in villages nearby. We found a nice fish restaurant by the lake in the next village, and invited Iris and Dirk (my sister and her partner) and Barbara (our sweet host in Bern in the beginning of our trip) to go there too. Iris and Dirk were spending their vacation in Grindelwald, which is a very good hiking place in the Alps. Barbara was staying with them for two days. We enjoyed a lovely meal together, and caught up on our holiday stories.
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